HTX TM-Sprayer™️

Our patented TM-Sprayer™️ MALDI Sample Preparation System is designed to provide the highest quality matrix deposition on 2D biological samples and can be integrated with any MALDI mass spectrometer platform.


Controlled drying time

The HTX TM-Sprayer allows users to adjust both gas flow rate and nozzle velocity to control drying time, preventing analyte delocalization and the formation of large matrix crystals, known to create "hot spots" on MALDI images.

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patented Heated Nozzle

HTX is the only sample preparation system available that allows users to heat the matrix solution as it is being applied to their sample. By increasing the temperature of the matrix solution, absorption of matrix into the sample is increased, resulting in greater MALDI image resolution.


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Efficiency and precision

The HTX TM-Sprayer's easy-to-use software interface enables the user to quickly adjust sample parameters for rapid preparation time of < 15 minutes for a single glass slide.

Download the HTX TM-Sprayer Brochure or view some of our Application Notes to learn more!